Planet Earth Singles Success Stories

Green Singles Testimonials

Success Stories


From Website to Wedding Bells

From website to wedding bells!!! I know, I know, if we didn´t actually create it would be hard to believe. We wanted to write to share our story with you because it really is a very special one (everyone thinks their story is special, right!!). From someone who has been very consciously own my path of discovery for years, that true spiritual connection was the one thing that was always missing in relationships. To me, if you are not growing spiritually with your partner, the relationship will not succeed. I put up my profile and had a few responses over some time,...

Soulful dating service works!

Dear friends; I want to send a heartfelt message to you thanking you for your website. In a short time, I have met a perspective soul mate through this soulful dating service, and I am very grateful to you. This man has become my friend and I enjoy his company more than anything! I hope others have found the same joy!

I found him!!

Thank you for your support and the correspondence we shared. I am pleased to say that i have met my "him" and we are embarking on our walk of life together. Hugs to you all and best wishes!

Lisa Australia


Aloha, I just wanted to take a moment and express what a truly wonderful service you are providing. I had a very meaningful, transformative email friendship with one member who was instrumental in bringing great changes to my life, and now I am at the beginning of a relationship with another member. Both of these connections have been very fulfilling spiritually and very "guided." I feel your service makes it possible for people to receive support, teachings, and share their experiences on the path, as well as complete karmic contracts without necessarily having to travel and...

Waiting Forever!

I have met my soul mate, the one I have been waiting for forever!!! And it is all thanks to you! When you did the free time as a holiday gift I sent an email and we have been going back and forth with emails and phones calls for hours. And now we are meeting.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

Wedding Bells from California to...

My beloved and I thank you for your wonderful introduction. When I received my first e-mail from “Mike” I knew energetically that he was the one (I had already dated two other wonderful men from the site, who are now good friends!). “Mike” and I are getting married 1/3/03, and if it wasn´t for you we would have never met at all. He was living in CA, and I was living in CO! Serendipity indeed.

Namaste, love and light

Truth in Love surpasses...

Thanks to your wonderful site I have contacted and soon will meet with she for whom I have been searching my long lonely life. For all who are still seeking: Never give up on your dreams, the one you are looking for, is just as actively looking for you! Look beyond your immediate area, the pull of Truth in Love surpasses distance, there are no boundaries to the Heart!

Thank You from the bottom of mine!


Hi Friends, Jack ( whom I met through your site) and I are back together! Please cancel my membership. Your expanded site is wonderful!!! I tell my single friends about you.

Thank you!!!

Special Connection

Thank you for posting my pictures. I have met someone very special through your service and we are seeing each other on a regular basis and growing a very special connection. I will keep you posted...

Blessings and many thanks!

Most Wonderful Woman!

To whom it my concern: I have met a most wonderful woman and I will come back to share the whole story soon. Best of wishes and thanks for making this possible!


Across the country

My name is Tom and I live in Florida. Because of your website and a wonderful Colorado woman´s decision to take a chance and contact me even though we were a thousand miles apart, I intuitively feel I have met the life´s spiritual partner that I have been seeking. Even though the miles still separate us at this time, I know in my heart we will eventually be together as it is meant to be. Knowing this in my heart, I no longer need your wonderful service and wish to have my profile deleted at your first opportunity.

Namaste ...Tom

I have met someone truly wonderful

I would like to share my story, and will when I have more time. In fact, I´m going to get him to write his version, too. It´s really amazing! Wonderful site! Just the kind of site I´d thought of starting three years ago when I started dating online!

Thanks, Elisa

Love of my life!

Hi, I´d like to discontinue my subscription to your service since I have met the love of my life on your site! We promise to send you our story when we get time. Right now we´re busy with moving homes, businesses, etc! Thanks so much for bringing us together!

Thanks, Heather

Happy, Fulfilling Relationship

Hello, Please make my status inactive. I have met someone and I am in a very happy, fulfilling relationship.

Thanks, "S"

Manifestation of my heart's desire

Hi, I am writing to ask you to please remove my profile from your database. I am now involved in the deepest relationship of my life with the first person I contacted through your database, and I am putting all of my focus on that connection, so I no longer want to persue meeting other people through your site and wish to have my profile removed please. Thank you for being here and playing this role in my manifestation of my heart´s desire!


Another Cross Country Success...

I met my fiancee on your site a year ago -- that is, she found me, and we´ve been taking turns crossing the country to see each other. Our connection seems to bring fortune, happiness and delirious personal growth for both of us! We´ve finally decided to arrange the rest of our lives together, so please deactivate my profile. :)

Thanks! Barry

Adventures and Much Learning

Thank you for year of many adventures and much learning in connecting with different people I met on your site. It has been a rich and at times profound experience. At this time, I´ve decided to focus on one person in particular and so would like to request that my profile be removed.

Thank you, Ed

Like Souls Uniting

Thanks and Happy Easter to you too! During the month that I´ve been actively using your service, I have met two wonderful men! I´m spending the day with one of them today! Thanks for creating a place where like souls can unite!

Wonderful Woman Found

It is with pleasure that I am writing to request that my profile be removed, as I have met a wonderful woman through the web site and will be focusing my energy on this person. Thank you for the opportunity to connect with such a fine person.

Sincerely, Glenn

"Soul of Like Mind and Heart"

Hello and thank you for the opportunity to meet a most remarkable man. Because of your site, I have fallen very much in love with a soul of like mind and heart. And, as a result, I´m ready to take my profile off of the site. The good news is, I have told others of my good fortune, so even though you are losing me as a member, I have sent many others your way.

Thanks again!